Sunday, October 19, 2008

Journal: Sunday, 10/19/08

Early Morning: Blog post on Nature in the OzarksCloudless Sulphur butterfly (Phoebis sennae)

Late Morning: Getting into the downside of our last cold front:  A little warmer, a few high clouds around and south wind picking up.  64º @ noon.

Afternoon: South wind picked up some more, but the day was still what I'd call nice.  We've really enjoyed these sunny days, which is good because rain moves into our forecast by mid-week.

Played with the dog:  During the longer days of summer, I figure Rusty and Bucket get enough exercise.  They spend more time outside and come out into the garden with Jo and I in the late afternoon.  While we work, they play -- at least part of the time.  However, starting about now and through the winter, the dogs spend almost all their time just laying around in the house.  So, in the winter when the weather permits, I spend a little time playing fetch with them after our afternoon walk.

What's amazing is how much Rusty and Bucket remember about our little ritual, not just the basics of chasing the tennis ball and bringing it back, but also which dog plays first, where we play, how we end a session and, especially, when I dispense dog treats.  You'd think we last played yesterday instead of six months ago.  I wish they remembered how to behave even half as well.

Evening: I often take a little nap in the early evening which is my mid-day.  This evening I didn't get my timer set right and ended up sleeping for two and a half hours.  I guess that was good since I evidently needed the sleep, but I didn't get much else accomplished this evening.

Temperature range:  71º/49º.  56º @ midnight.
