Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Signs, Signs: No Trash

Stephens Lake Park (Columbia, MO)

One might wonder about the purpose of a trash receptacle with a sign requesting no trash be deposited. The photo below explains.

On subsequent visits to Stephens Lake Park, the Dog Waste Station was gone. Perhaps the lack of compliance had something to do with its removal.

Join the fun by posting your favorite signs.  Share the link by visiting signs, signs.  (Thanks to Lesley of Southern Ontario, discovered for hosting this weekly meme.)



gwen said...

Heh. Nice one. Love all your signs Marvin. :)

Pat - Arkansas said...

Ah-ha! We have a similar problem at our church -- not dog waste, of course --- but folks putting trash into our "clean paper - cans - plastic" recycle bins, despite requests not to do so.

Photo Cache said...

a proof that people just don't read at all :)

Joy said...

And they even said please. At least they did not throw it on the floor.

Inger-M said...

Nice find, and thanks for posting the second one too:-)

Dinah said...

well, some people cant read! and they even ignored the please ;-)


Unknown said...

some people find it hard to follow the simplest signs.


Ingrid said...

Maybe it's for analphabets, lol !

RedPat said...

People seem to have such a hard time reading signs!

Anonymous said...

Great photo...glad you provided the explanation, too!


StitchinByTheLake said...

Hi Marvin, I stumbled on your blog from Pat at Remembrances of... I live in Hot Springs so I'm a fellow Arkansan. I love your sign. My sister lives in Jefferson City and works in Columbia so I've been there often. I enjoyed browsing back through your other posts. I'm a quilter so that's mostly what I write about but I'm always interested in seeing and reading other Arkansans. blessings, marlene