Rain: A brief mid-morning shower dropped .2" of rain. Skies were mostly clear again by noon.

Plate by Jo, waffle by me, fried egg by Jo and fresh blackberries courtesy of Mother Nature. And, how fresh were the blackberries? Jo picked them on her morning walk taken right before she fixed her breakfast.
Late Afternoon: A little mowing and working on reclaiming another garden bed from the weeds.
Weather: High = 85ºF/30ºC. Low = 68ºF/20ºC. Mostly clear except for that mid-morning thundershower. Surprisingly, the shower helped keep our temperature down a bit. Since it occurred so early in the day, I figured it would help create and afternoon steam bath, but that didn't happen.
Wednesday. 6/17/09:
Exciting Event of the Day: A cow ambled through the yard. Okay, I didn't really think the wandering bovine was all that exciting, but the dogs certainly did. A strange beast was in their yard and needed to be chased out, but Rusty and Bucket were trapped inside the house. (Thank goodness.) Much barking ensured, noisy but harmless.
The cow meandered up the road and about an hour later she returned. I think it was an all too typical case of a cow being smart enough to escape from a fenced pasture, but not being smart enough to find her way back inside when she suddenly remember she'd left a calf inside. Later, I heard the cow and calf bellowing back and forth. I think they were eventually reunited. Wheather they were both inside or outside the fence I do not know.

Mowing and Gardening: Barring inclement weather, those two activities are a permanent feature of my late afternoons.
Weather: High = 92ºF/33ºC. Low = 75ºF/24ºC. Mostly clear skies.