► I'd better get to bed before the sun rises and catches me up and about. G'night all. (57ºF/13ºC @ 5 AM)
► Gusty south wind is bringing fall color to an end. Clear sky. (69ºF/20ºC @ 11 AM)

► Time to begin making moves toward the Welcome Home Volunteer Fire Station, our polling place. (72ºF/22ºC @ noon)
► Trip to vote postponed. Jo says we need to wait until tile kiln firing finished.
► Over the past couple of days we've had three unknown pickups turning around at our end-of-the-road location. Modern weapons deer season begins this weekend. They're probably guys out scouting for a place to hunt. (Sunny, windy and 73ºF/22ºC @ 2 PM)
► Voted around three o'clock. The poll works said turnout had been fairly heavy. I was the 32nd person to cast a ballot.
► Spent the evening working on spoons and listening to election returns. John McCain predictably prevailed in Arkansas, but no matter, Barak Obama won. Good!!!
